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What measures should we take just after adopting a street dog?

What measures should we take just after adopting a street dog?

Firstly, I would like to thank you for considering adopting a dog who is wandering here and there. Most people have a keen interest in dogs but are scared to embrace them because they don't know how to take care of them after adopting the street dogs. Here are few things you need to consider while adopting street dogs. We are sharing some tips to do on a priority basis after adopting street dogs.

Provide proper nutrition

This step is the most crucial because malnutrition can cause death and reduce all other functions in the animal's body.

Take it to veterinary

Get advice from your veterinarian to deworm the stray dog as there is a high chance of transmitting the disease from animals to us, especially children.

Check for injuries

Try to look at the entire body of the animal for the wound. In such a case, you need to take it directly to the vet as it may transmit bacteria and viruses all over the body.

Do vaccination

Try to complete its vaccination entirely for making a healthy environment. It can avoid fatal diseases with just one shot.

I hope for a more pleasant and long and healthy life for your new pet. Follow these guidelines and move on. I hope nothing will disturb you later on. Thank You.

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